Taylor REALLY didn't want me to blog this. But since this is my journal and I don't want to forget about these small happenings and why I need to listen to that still small voice we all hear time to time. So here is what happened... Taylor was asked over for a play date last Friday at a friend’s house to swim. My first instinct was "No" which I thought at first it was because she had a soccer/pool party in just a few hours and I knew she would be swimming there too. But I went against what my gut told me and let her go. They haven't had a play date in awhile and they call quite often. Anyways... about an hour later, I get a call from the Dad saying "Tragedy has struck again" - meaning this isn't the first time she's been hurt at their house. She broke her finger at their last year playing with a pitch-back machine. We had no Health Insurance at the time. So my heart sunk not knowing what he was going to tell me. He said they were playing outside, they decided to come in and they were running and she tripped on the sliding glass doorframe… fell on her FACE and broke off a piece of her front tooth - YIKES! Of course I can hear her screaming in the background and he said he's bringing her home. Needless to say she was still freaking out when she got home and it was worse than I thought. And remember, she had a end of the year soccer party to go to and she was so worried everyone was going to laugh at her because of her tooth! So finally I calmed her down to take a look. She wears a retainer and it cut the gum behind her tooth so it looked pretty bad. So I quickly called my friend Amber who is a dental hygienist and her brother is our dentist. I told her what happened and she came over to look at it to make sure we didn't need to go to the ER. She then called her brother who works 1 Saturday a month and luckily this past Saturday was the one - THANK GOODNESS! We went to his office and he fixed it within an hour and said it doesn't look like the root is damaged. It looks awesome! Thanks Amber and Dr. Miller! So what is the lesson here – LISTEN TO THAT STILL SMALL VOICE. Even if it’s about a play date!! (picture above is the before shot)
So true! I've been reading Sherri Dew's book about being a Powerful People. She talks a lot about this.
I hate learning a lesson the hard way! Fortunately, it was just a tooth and thank goodness for Dr. Matt (he's awesome)!
I love when I am babysitting my Doctors kids, im a dental assistant, and half hour after they leave for the weekend their youngest falls and smacks his face on the banister post!! Good thing it had to do with the mouth, cuz I deal with that every day! No broken teeth just lots of blood FUN! Poor Tay! What would we do w/o good dentists!!
I'm glad she's ok. I hate getting that phone call from someone when your kid is with them. Even though that voice is small it means buisness!
I am just glad that everything worked out and that she is okay.
That is crazy but good to hear, sometimes we forget about that small voice and how much more it knows than we do. Im glad the tooth is ok.
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