Saturday, September 20, 2008


So I actually slept in this morning for the first time in weeks... and when I say sleeping in I mean sleeping in until 8:00am. That's late for me. This was my plan, so last night I got milk ready for the kids in the fridge and told them to get poptarts in the cupboard when they woke up in the morning for breakfast. So my plan worked except for Taylor decided she didn't want poptarts. She didn't eat anything which I didn't find out until just a few minutes ago when I told her she needed to get ready for soccer because we have to go to Target before the game at 11:15. Then my mother-in-law says "Taylor will probably need a snack before the game" and I said "Oh yea, I'll fix you a pb&j sandwich." Taylor says "I didn't have breakfast" and I said "What, why not?" She says "Oh, it's ok, just run me to Starbucks!" What? We laughed out loud!! What am I teaching my kids!


GINA said...

WOW sleeping in, that must be nice!

Emily C said...

Taylor is a crack up. i swear she's really a teenager!

Autumn said...

Breakfast what's that? On school days I try to be a good mom & get up and make him something, however, when I am too tired and definitely in the summer he can do cereal, bagels, frozen waffles & fruit! Layne can do a banana or yogurt!! So really why do they need me? Ha! Ha!
And for starbucks, my sister got a job there & when she told my daughter, Layne said, "my mom works there too!"
Kids too funny!!

Tamara said...

I guess that I should get all the sleep that I can while I can!!

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Starbucks....I just love kids' perceptions and how they process things. That is hilarious!